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iEmoji Feeds @Lucyyy (Lucymanly) 16


Lucyyy @Lucymanly
My life consistently revolves around feeling fat, getting upset about feeling fat then comfort eating therefore making me even fatter
Retweet of status by @bethaniehough
07 Apr 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote My life consistently revolves around feeling fat, getting upset about feeling fat then comfort eating therefore making me even fatter 🐷


Lucyyy @Lucymanly
my life would be 100x easier if i could drive
Retweet of status by @_b0oyouwh0re
18 Mar 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote my life would be 100x easier if i could driveπŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
Hate it when your actually trying to get to sleep but you just can't coz u thinking too much
Retweet of status by @LiamWilliamss_
15 Mar 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Hate it when your actually trying to get to sleep but you just can't coz u thinking too much πŸ˜’
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
Find it so hard to believe a word that comes out of anyone's mouth lately
Retweet of status by @lauraohanlonx
14 Mar 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Find it so hard to believe a word that comes out of anyone's mouth lately πŸ€—
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
my mentality is actually starting to scare me with how easily I can cut people off and how cold hearted I've become
Retweet of status by @scxrly
09 Mar 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote my mentality is actually starting to scare me with how easily I can cut people off and how cold hearted I've become πŸ™„
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
My money just seems to go... And I have no idea where
Retweet of status by @georgia_steel
05 Mar 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote My money just seems to go... And I have no idea where πŸ€”πŸ™„
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
Who else charges their phone for like 5 mins before they go out thinking it's gonna make a huge difference or is it just me?
Retweet of status by @_JustSpear
29 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Who else charges their phone for like 5 mins before they go out thinking it's gonna make a huge difference or is it just me?πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
Being able to look back and realise you're better off without someone is quite satisfying
Retweet of status by @_JustSpear
25 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Being able to look back and realise you're better off without someone is quite satisfyingπŸ˜„πŸ˜Š
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
Have you ever been out somewhere and you just thought "uno what i really miss my dog, i wonder what he's up to" or is that just me
Retweet of status by @jodieleahx
26 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Have you ever been out somewhere and you just thought "uno what i really miss my dog, i wonder what he's up to" or is that just me πŸ˜•πŸ˜‚
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
have you ever thought about if we didn't have to sleep? we could get so many things done
Retweet of status by @DanRelates
23 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote have you ever thought about if we didn't have to sleep? we could get so many things done πŸ€”
Lucyyy @Lucymanly
It's a shame I don't get paid for listening to people talk shite cos tbh if I did I'd be rolling in it
Retweet of status by @jodssss_x
21 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote It's a shame I don't get paid for listening to people talk shite cos tbh if I did I'd be rolling in it πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

...but wait! There's more!


fakhright @fakhright
astaghfirullah peng.krim guaaaaaaaa..............a *salto sambil solat*
14 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote astaghfirullah peng.krim guaaaaaaaa..............a *salto sambil solat* πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™Š
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