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Chronological Emojitweets

Dragon 13

judy_L0VE @judy_L0VE
There should be a dinosaur emoji since there are 2 dragon emojis
31 Dec 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote There should be a dinosaur emoji since there are 2 dragon emojis πŸ‰πŸ²
1Day_Wawa @1Day_Wawa
Emoji has a Dragon. A DRAGON. Two Dragon Emojis but not a Black Man Emoji. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLs
31 Dec 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Emoji has a Dragon. A DRAGON. Two Dragon Emojis πŸ‰πŸ² but not a Black Man Emoji. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLs
errythingnice @errythingnice
RT @1Day_Wawa: Emoji has a Dragon. A DRAGON. Two Dragon Emojis but not a Black Man Emoji. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLs
31 Dec 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @1Day_Wawa: Emoji has a Dragon. A DRAGON. Two Dragon Emojis πŸ‰πŸ² but not a Black Man Emoji. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLs
tjukkk @tjukkk
@piagaard du kan fΓ₯ et emoji
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @piagaard du kan fΓ₯ et emoji πŸ‰
EricHeavener @EricHeavener
@noah_shea dragon is deff my fav emoji
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @noah_shea dragon is deff my fav emoji πŸ‰πŸ²πŸ‰πŸ²
chloecrothers19 @chloecrothers19
RT @Rebekah_Magill: Why is there no emoji for a duck?! I mean they have this '' and they cant even make a duck?! #unacceptable
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Rebekah_Magill: Why is there no emoji for a duck?! I mean they have this 'πŸ‰' and they cant even make a duck?! #unacceptable
oliviaxtine @oliviaxtine
@MissVAusaAmbass @erickax22 ....mmmmm DOUBT. > honey badgers. That's why we have an emoji #tssssssssss
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @MissVAusaAmbass @erickax22 ....mmmmm DOUBT. πŸ‰ > honey badgers. That's why we have an emoji #tssssssssss
Rebekah_Magill @Rebekah_Magill
Why is there no emoji for a duck?! I mean they have this '' and they cant even make a duck?! #unacceptable
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why is there no emoji for a duck?! I mean they have this 'πŸ‰' and they cant even make a duck?! #unacceptable
OliWilson97 @OliWilson97
There's so every animal there is in emoji apart from a mole, there's even a several dragons
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote There's so every animal there is in emoji apart from a mole, there's even a several dragons πŸ‰πŸ²πŸ
Biancasalinasss @Biancasalinasss
@GabbbyyRice @caro_edwards I'm a social butterfly ! I see no butterfly emoji so ill use Dragon
01 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @GabbbyyRice @caro_edwards I'm a social butterfly ! πŸ‰ I see no butterfly emoji so ill use Dragon
myEmoji @myEmoji
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰πŸŠπŸ²
myEmoji @myEmoji
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
myEmoji @myEmoji
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ˜‚
chrisjorel @chrisjorel
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰πŸ²SINCE WHEN WAS THERE A DRAGON EMOJI
myEmoji @myEmoji
had a
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰ had a πŸ”₯
myEmoji @myEmoji
had a
02 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰ had a πŸ”₯
tatianaaai @tatianaaai
Mi emoji favorito
03 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Mi emoji favorito πŸ‰
AnnerOlson @AnnerOlson
What is this emoji and when is it ever necessary to use
03 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ‰ What is this emoji and when is it ever necessary to use
FrostManroe @FrostManroe
@haileyallenxo thanks I'm really into this emoji for some reason
03 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @haileyallenxo thanks πŸ‰ I'm really into this emoji for some reason
kennethcolman11 @kennethcolman11
So there's a emoji but no dinosaur #letsgetwiththeprogramnow
03 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So there's a πŸ‰ emoji but no dinosaur πŸ˜’ #letsgetwiththeprogramnow
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Like Dragon Chronological Emojitweets 13?

Animals & Nature Category: View the emoji that occur naturally in our environment. Fish, flowers, trees, slugs, leaves, you name it! The emoji squirrel! Wow! If related to the environment or it breathes but is not a person, this is the category for you. Check out all the cute little furry and barnyard animals, oink!

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