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Smirking Face 56062

JasminΰΉ‘ @JasminDaRealest
Shawty your makeup was on point today
Retweet of status by @kingtxion
09 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Shawty your makeup was on point today πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ˜Œ
Minor setback for a major fuckin comeback
Retweet of status by @Tanecas_BFF
09 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Minor setback for a major fuckin comeback 😏
ana. @FxckWhatUHeard_
@sabi_ramz yes lawd
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @sabi_ramz yes lawd 😏
sara @sara_skinner53
This Mrazek guy's not bad, huh?
Retweet of status by @DetroitRedWings
08 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote This Mrazek guy's not bad, huh? 😏
butterboy123 @Brandon_Cozens
How does the emoji normally lead to a cheeky conversation by text but if I pulled the face in real life I'm pretty sure she would run away
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote How does the 😏 emoji normally lead to a cheeky conversation by text but if I pulled the face in real life I'm pretty sure she would run away
β€’ Falcon β€’ @muhdzikriafiq
@azfaznurfurrr with zikri , anything is possible
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @azfaznurfurrr with zikri , anything is possible 😏
dom @Dermerneeek
I'm ugly but I can make you laugh
Retweet of status by @zthadon
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I'm ugly but I can make you laugh 😏
Sy-Ruler @RickiiBobbii24
This summer is going to be a whole problem
Retweet of status by @DepthBeautyGrit
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote This summer is going to be a whole problem 😏
❀️ @Jerwanyee
You gon have to do more than just Say It
Retweet of status by @PrinceMeek_
09 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote You gon have to do more than just Say It 😏😝
Ronny @ronnychurch22
So excited for Valentine's Day... The day #TheWalkingDead returns and also the day #Deadpool comes out. Can't wait
10 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So excited for Valentine's Day... The day #TheWalkingDead returns and also the day #Deadpool comes out. Can't wait 😏😏🀘
Lady e . @Elexsis_Nicole
10 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Basically . πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ‘…πŸ±
eye..vee..yon! @_avionneee
new hair color, coming real soon
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote new hair color, coming real soon😏
lex @lexiichiancola
y'all ever confess ur love for someone and get hit with the read y'all ain't livin if you haven't yet
Retweet of status by @shcraft_meg
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote y'all ever confess ur love for someone and get hit with the read 😏😏😏😏😏😏 y'all ain't livin if you haven't yet 😏😏
DRAKE @DrakeCarman
@DrakeCarman "pimpin ain't easy"
Retweet of status by @swaynemas
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @DrakeCarman "pimpin ain't easy" 😏
Chelsey @ChelseyyHunt
Nico is a badass. Owns a white Ps4 and a white Xbox One. Today, he built himself a computer, which is also white.
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Nico is a badass. Owns a white Ps4 and a white Xbox One. Today, he built himself a computer, which is also white. 😏
β€’sachaβ€’ @_SachaMichelle
Treat me like a joke bitch I'll leave ya like its funny
Retweet of status by @clutchonyohoe
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Treat me like a joke bitch I'll leave ya like its funny😏
Swaggy P @Acee_booogie
Last night.
Retweet of status by @MiciaBaby414
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Last night. πŸ˜πŸ˜‹πŸ‘…
V @VeronicaHoaglnd
put your big girl panties on and say something to me in person
Retweet of status by @rowan_mumford1
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote put your big girl panties on and say something to me in person 😏
I'm with all the sh*t that you like
Retweet of status by @Badgirlyummy
11 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I'm with all the sh*t that you like😏
Shablis @shablis
I hope she shuts down the power again
Retweet of status by @WillCox_
07 Feb 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I hope she shuts down the power again 😏
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Smileys & People Category: The Emoticon Category! Smileys, faces, person bowing deeply, man with red face, hearts, hand gestures. Happy. Previous category name: Smileys. View the gallery.

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