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Frowning Face 16751

Jay Bryant @jbryant787
18 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @haymahmoh @TexasGovernor @CityofLeander Sorry, Haytham. ☹️
JEN @jenniantraxx
My son is getting so big
Retweet of status by @exdxcv
18 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote My son is getting so big ☹️
Lisa Perez @elizabeth_m620
I just want things to go back to normal so I can do my make up more often
Retweet of status by @batres_ruby
17 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I just want things to go back to normal so I can do my make up more often ☹️
Cherry 8&∞ @CCherryns
where is nuest please stop hiding them. anyone with a brain would know that this long of a hiatus in between com……
Retweet of status by @leeseokminized_
18 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote where is nuest ☹️ please stop hiding them. anyone with a brain would know that this long of a hiatus in between com…
ayri @ayri2YOU
Lil baby got somebody pregnant on Jayda & that’s so fucked up
12 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Lil baby got somebody pregnant on Jayda & that’s so fucked up☹️
RESTLESSRICE DAY @itschuusdayinit
Retweet of status by @chuulipthinker
18 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote NOOOO ☹☹ THEY'RE SO CUTE
Padilla @JPadilla_80
i miss my girl
Retweet of status by @Stevarino12
14 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote i miss my girl ☹️
drea @andreaasotoo
can’t stop thinking about the homeless people & the pets who were left outside
Retweet of status by @jackyarre
17 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote can’t stop thinking about the homeless people & the pets who were left outside☹️
esty 🦋 @estyperales
i miss those “are we wearing boots or heels” texts
Retweet of status by @jazjazzyjasmine
19 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote i miss those “are we wearing boots or heels” texts ☹️
🦋 @maeroseeeee
19 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote MEEE WHENNN?????!!! ARGHHHHH ☹️😭
@laurilashline @maniyalaurice
the way I care for people makes me wish I had somebody like me in my life
Retweet of status by @yamamafav
17 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote the way I care for people makes me wish I had somebody like me in my life ☹️
ItsSancho 🖤👹 @BlackSancho
Tf I got a IPhone for? Nobody FaceTimes me or play’s IMessage games with me
Retweet of status by @Humbertinho__
17 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Tf I got a IPhone for? Nobody FaceTimes me or play’s IMessage games with me☹️🙄
mr cellophane @_lillisley
please don’t let people bully you out of your privacy. you are within every single right to not let people know everything about you.
Retweet of status by @siaxcvii
19 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote please don’t let people bully you out of your privacy. you are within every single right to not let people know everything about you. ☹️
Lo 🤍 @lorryndaa
I do not take enough pics with my friends, it’s people I’m real cool with and we have no footage together
15 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I do not take enough pics with my friends, it’s people I’m real cool with and we have no footage together☹️
Faye✨ @faye2618
@maxwelltrixaml wag na away I love youuu
13 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @maxwelltrixaml wag na away ☹️ I love youuu 😚💙
нƐΛƔ💫 @jusheavenly
Every year down south we say this winter different & it shows out every time
19 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Every year down south we say this winter different & it shows out every time ☹️
Danni. @imDanielleMonae
@filimarquez I did. But by the time I realized how many cars were ahead of me, there were already 100 cars behind me.
19 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @filimarquez I did. But by the time I realized how many cars were ahead of me, there were already 100 cars behind me. ☹️
Ross Evans @Evospangler
Now I've #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis 32 years (since age 16), 26 years with #SevereME

Here's my story in Irish Ind……
Retweet of status by @TomKindlon
16 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Now I've #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis 32 years (since age 16), 26 years with #SevereME☹️ Here's my story in Irish Ind…
I just want to take a shower with hot water
18 Feb 21 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I just want to take a shower with hot water ☹️😞😔😔😔😔😔
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Smileys & People Category: The Emoticon Category! Smileys, faces, person bowing deeply, man with red face, hearts, hand gestures. Happy. Previous category name: Smileys. View the gallery.

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