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Chronological Emojitweets

Wind Chime 38

SoulSoothing_ @SoulSoothing_
Jordan really hates this emoji idk why I love it so much lol.
03 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Jordan really hates this emoji 🎐idk why I love it so much lol.
baiileylizabeth @baiileylizabeth
Can someone please tell me what the hell this emoji is?! Hahahah
06 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Can someone please tell me what the hell this emoji is?! 🎐 Hahahah
myEmoji @myEmoji
06 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote 🎐🎍🔖🍥🍘🍙🌐🌀🌁💂👹👺💢👥👤🛄✴♑⛎💠〰💱〽🔗🔱💮➰
ryan_viera @ryan_viera
They have whatever the hell these are ---> ..... But no hang loose emoji???

Oh and btw when do I need to use foreign money??
06 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote They have whatever the hell these are --->🎐💠🏮 ..... But no hang loose emoji??? 👎 Oh and btw when do I need to use foreign money?? 💴💷💶
TishIsWhyImHott @TishIsWhyImHott
Dear Apple,

What is this emoji and when are we supposed to use it:

Confused iPhone User
06 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Dear Apple, What is this emoji and when are we supposed to use it: 🎐 Sincerely, Confused iPhone User
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Like Wind Chime Chronological Emojitweets 38?

Objects Category: All sorts of inanimate items such as, money, TVs, VCRs, scissors, lights, bed, bath, and weapons. These emoji are for celebrating, and paying your respects.

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