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Boy 62

lacourniigguuhh @lacourniigguuhh
RT @ThAtSn3wMoNeY: There are no emoji's of black people .... ............. Oh wAit found it why is it in that section?!
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @ThAtSn3wMoNeY: There are no emoji's of black people .... 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳💋👮👼👸💂💀......😳👀....... Oh wAit found it🐒🐵 why is it in that section?!
ThAtSn3wMoNeY @ThAtSn3wMoNeY
There are no emoji's of black people .... ............. Oh wAit found it why is it in that section?!
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote There are no emoji's of black people .... 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳💋👮👼👸💂💀......😳👀....... Oh wAit found it🐒🐵 why is it in that section?!
abdullahi299 @abdullahi299
Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's

09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂 🐼😎🙉🙀 👉🌚❓”
myEmoji @myEmoji
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote 👦👧👩👴👵
tatteduptrav13 @tatteduptrav13
You know what's messed up.. They don't have a black emoji person..That's messed up.
not one of them are black
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote You know what's messed up.. They don't have a black emoji person..That's messed up. 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂 not one of them are black
SexiRedbone13 @SexiRedbone13
RT @HappyiPhones: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's

09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @HappyiPhones: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂 🐼😎🙉🙀 👉🌚❓
tealiakapsh @tealiakapsh
Have you ever noticed there isn't a black emoji person? #
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Have you ever noticed there isn't a black emoji person? #👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂
Arturo_FYMNigga @Arturo_FYMNigga
"@SwoopSchwag: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's ? -__-"Because iPhone's were made by a Withe guy. lol
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote "@SwoopSchwag: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂 ? -__-"Because iPhone's were made by a Withe guy. lol
4EverJerseyBoy @4EverJerseyBoy
They need to make an Emoji with Two guys in love lol so ppl won't have to do this
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote They need to make an Emoji with Two guys in love lol so ppl won't have to do this 
LeadByKeik @LeadByKeik
RT @madisonkropp11: “@LeadByKeik: “@JaJaJaJaCori_: Why is there no black people in the emoji's? WTF.” racist bitches -->
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @madisonkropp11: “@LeadByKeik: “@JaJaJaJaCori_: Why is there no black people in the emoji's? WTF.” racist bitches 👦🔫👧🔫👩🔫👨🔫👶🔫🔫👵🔫👴🔫👱🔫👲🔫👷🔫👮🔫👼🔫👸🔫” 😔--> 👳
KeepCalmLove_ @KeepCalmLove_
RT @OBEY_SERGIO: : white guy
: mexican guy
: chinese guy
: russian guy
: indian guy
: black guy?
Where the fuck is the black guy emoji?
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @OBEY_SERGIO: 👦: white guy 👨: mexican guy 👲: chinese guy 💂: russian guy 👳: indian guy 🔲: black guy? Where the fuck is the black guy emoji? -___-
ohhlaurenn_ @ohhlaurenn_
why don't they have a black person Emoji
10 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote  why don't they have a black person Emoji 
megynelizabethh @megynelizabethh
@charleshawth this is your emoji.
11 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @charleshawth 👦 this is your emoji. 👍
MaxineMccrindle @MaxineMccrindle
@VhariM hahaa it's okay! Boys boys boys we like boys no standards or type when in Zante
11 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @VhariM hahaa it's okay! Boys boys boys we like boys 👦👨👶👴👱👳👷👮💂💀 no standards or type when in Zante
jgonzodoe_ @jgonzodoe_
No joke. Some guys are FUCKING stupid.
11 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote No joke. Some guys are FUCKING stupid. 👦🔫😒👍
myEmoji @myEmoji
12 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote 👦👱👨👴👶👳👲👮👷
MShirran1 @MShirran1
@mmillist haha nearly though!!
12 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @mmillist haha nearly though!! 👦👉👵
k_oakes @k_oakes
@frizzyfritz123 lol I know. I think we got a lot accomplished. but that doesn't stop me from well.. (there's no Je'onnah emoji) haha
12 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @frizzyfritz123 lol I know. I think we got a lot accomplished. but that doesn't stop me from well.. 👦🔫👸🔫 (there's no Je'onnah emoji) haha
_EmilyC_ @_EmilyC_
@TweenQueen13 they dont have a black emoji see
12 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @TweenQueen13 they dont have a black emoji 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂 see
_LoveJess_ @_LoveJess_
RT @x_Zahraailyas_x: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's

12 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @x_Zahraailyas_x: Why Isn't There Any Black People Emoji's 👦👧👩👨👶👵👴👱👲👳👷👮👼👸💂:O
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Like Boy Chronological Emojitweets 62?

Smileys & People Category: The Emoticon Category! Smileys, faces, person bowing deeply, man with red face, hearts, hand gestures. Happy. Previous category name: Smileys. View the gallery.

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