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Expressionless Face 24185

eira✨ @_aleirakaee
There's never anything to do in Abilene!
Retweet of status by @ThatLowkeyChic
15 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote There's never anything to do in Abilene! πŸ˜‘
kay.😈 @hellooKATIE_
Talking about blood drives and tailgating, but no specific time for when the game starts.
15 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Talking about blood drives and tailgating, but no specific time for when the game starts. πŸ˜‘
myEmoji @myEmoji
17 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ˜‘<☺️ 🐒<πŸ‡ πŸ‘›<πŸ“±
myEmoji @myEmoji
17 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ˜‘<☺️ 🐒<πŸ‡ πŸ‘›<πŸ“±
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote + snapchat πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Junie B. @Keyes_is_dooope
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote facts πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Jack Palmer @Palm3r2
I feel like shit man
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I feel like shit man πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Colton Lewis @CLewis_3
Walking back from the gym and had my headphones in and Akron let off fireworks so I thought it was gunshots and started sprinting
15 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Walking back from the gym and had my headphones in and Akron let off fireworks so I thought it was gunshots and started sprintingπŸ˜‘
Swaggy D @I_Tweet_Dailey
When it's overtime and you already have your bet won bc you were getting 10 1/2 points and the lady won't let you cash it
15 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote When it's overtime and you already have your bet won bc you were getting 10 1/2 points and the lady won't let you cash it πŸ˜‘
SchlinkBoy Drew @KingGriff_10
I'm the sickest man on the earth right now. have to walk home from the valley
Retweet of status by @jfish1321
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I'm the sickest man on the earth right now. have to walk home from the valley πŸ˜‘β˜ΉοΈ
princess jasmine @Shivsterrrrr
why boys always complain when we don't know what we want to eat but everytime you ask them they say "its up to you" or "it don't matter"
Retweet of status by @taedabaek
15 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote why boys always complain when we don't know what we want to eat but everytime you ask them they say "its up to you" or "it don't matter" πŸ˜‘
AntAntGetMoney @AntVigz
When you have to get up & close the door after someone left it open
Retweet of status by @zayhunnidz
13 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote When you have to get up &amp; close the door after someone left it open πŸ˜‘
Jessy @Moscato216
When he's gone for a while
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote When he's gone for a while πŸ˜‘
Faitharoni 🌸 @Faithh_Alexis
*asks for Togo box*
*puts food in Togo box*
*leaves Togo box at restaurant*

Never fails I do this too much
Retweet of status by @lyss_gonzales
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote *asks for Togo box* *puts food in Togo box* *leaves Togo box at restaurant* Never fails I do this too much πŸ˜‘
. @Kaynicholee_
07 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Really though πŸ˜‘
BANDSOMEβ™› @ChasinNCountin
When I don't have to get up early I wake up at the crack of dawn
Retweet of status by @amazingly_jay
12 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote When I don't have to get up early I wake up at the crack of dawn πŸ˜‘
Mocha Thighs @Shesastounding
@HoeStopTwatchin lol family stuffs
16 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @HoeStopTwatchin lol family stuffs πŸ˜‘
Alexandria @Beauti_IsHer_
@pimpdaddysplash i really was omg they said it would be here in the 21st it is the 13th
13 Oct 16 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @pimpdaddysplash i really was omg they said it would be here in the 21st it is the 13th πŸ˜‘
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