Emoji Information
Game Die

Activity Category

Game Die


A die is a cube (three-dimensional geometric shape with six square sides) used in many games. A traditional die includes a different amount of dots on each side. The dots represent a value (number) from 1 to 6. The orientation of the dots is standardized so that people can easily recognize the amount of dots (the value) shown on the top. Board games use a die or dice to enter randomness and unpredictability into the game. The die is rolled (thrown) and the side that faces up (towards the sky) is the value used in the game. Die can be used in games to identify how many spaces on a game board a player must move their game piece. Die can also be used in number only games, such as Yahtzee and Craps. Craps is a very popular table gambling game found in many casinos.

Emoji History The emoji code/ image log of changes.

  1. This emoji first appeared in OSX / iOS after the iOS 5 update.

Emoji General Information

Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) 784 of 2393
Apple/iOS Picture
Google Android Picture
Google Hangouts Picture
Twitter.com Picture
LG Emoji Picture
Samsung Emoji Picture
Phantom Open Emoji Picture Not created yet
ASCII Conversion
"Short Code" Name :game_die:
Keywords Game, Die, Dice, Craps, Gamble, Play

Unicode Category Information

Unicode Category Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Unicode Range 1F300–1F5FF
Unicode Subcategory Game Symbols

Editorial Comment

Come on seven or eleven! Craps, snake eyes.

Proposed Unicode Information & Notes

Unicode Category Activities/work/entertainment
Unicode Subcategory Game Symbols
Names & Annotations GAME DIE
Symbol Information U+1F3B2 proposed
Proposal Identifier e-80F

Character Mapping/Crosswalk Notes

DoCoMo [γ‚΅γ‚€γ‚³γƒ­]
KDDI Β #170 γ‚΅γ‚€γ‚³γƒ­ γ€Œsaikoro」 U+E4C8 SJIS-F6A1 JIS-7623
Softbank [γ‚΅γ‚€γ‚³γƒ­]

Emoji Character Encoding Data

Emoji Code Version iOS 5 - Current
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) 🎲
UTF-8 Character Count 1
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) 🎲
Decimal HTML Entity 🎲
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 🎲
Hex Code Point(s) 1f3b2
Formal Unicode Notation U+1F3B2
Decimal Code Point(s) 127922
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0xF0 0x9F 0x8E 0xB2
UTF-8 Hex Bytes F0 9F 8E B2
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 360 237 216 262
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0xD83C 0xDFB2
UTF-16 Hex d83cdfb2
UTF-16 Dec 55356 57266
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0001F3B2
UTF-32 Hex 01F3B2
UTF-32 Dec 127922
Python Src u"\U0001F3B2"
PHP Src "\xf0\x9f\x8e\xb2"
C/C++/Java Src "\uD83C\uDFB2"

Emoji Character Encoding Data (equivalent or similiar)

Emoji EncodingKDDIGoogle
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s)ξ“ˆσΎ 
UTF-8 Character Count11
Character(s) In Input
Decimal HTML Entity󾠏
Hexadecimal HTML Entity󾠏
Hex Code Point(s)e4c8fe80f
Formal Unicode NotationU+E4C8U+FE80F
Decimal Code Point(s)585681042447
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax)0xEE 0x93 0x880xF3 0xBE 0xA0 0x8F
UTF-8 Hex BytesEE 93 88F3 BE A0 8F
UTF-8 Octal Bytes356 223 210363 276 240 217
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax)0xE4C80xDBBA 0xDC0F
UTF-16 Hexe4c8dbbadc0f
UTF-16 Dec5856856250 56335
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax)0x0000E4C80x000FE80F
UTF-32 HexE4C80FE80F
UTF-32 Dec585681042447
Python Srcu"\uE4C8"u"\U000FE80F"
PHP Src"\xee\x93\x88""\xf3\xbe\xa0\x8f"
C/C++/Java Src"\uE4C8""\uDBBA\uDC0F"

Copy & Paste Codes
